A Tour of Venice through Its Churches
Venice has a high concentration of churches, especially considering its constricted dimensions.
This can be explained, at least in part, by the particular configuration of the city. In fact, on each insula (islet, or small island) at least one church was erected as a centre of worship and social gatherings. Over time, these churches were enriched with works of art. Some are of enormous artistic value and today bear witness to their stylistic evolution at the local and international level.
Discovering the city through its churches is an unusual and particularly intimate way to trace Venetian history, as well as being a major opportunity to see masterworks in their original context. Each of Venice’s six districts has its treasures and its conduits. From Castello to Santa Croce, from Cannaregio to Dorsoduro, it is possible to follow the pathways of painters and their patrons, of popular devotion, and of the influential families that often financed the work of embellishing the churches. These families carved out a place of eternal peace (and fame?) for themselves in altarpieces and burial monuments.
Each church holds surprises and hides treasures. There is the chancel, or cantoria, painted by Francesco Guardi; the Madonna painted by Giovanni Bellini; Titian’s altarpiece; the frescoed ceiling by Tiepolo . . . each with its own story, colours, and harmony.
Which district would you like to visit most?
Audience anyone, everyone
Length 2–3 hours
Meeting Point To be determined according to the chosen itinerary
Costs on request
Supplementary costs Some churches charge a visitor’s fee. (It will be possible to buy combined tickets for several churches.)
Contact us for a custom tour of the churches: info@touringvenice.com